Following an Ab Fab style mantra with my girl group in London, it can be very easy to forget that it might be time to save a bit of cash and reign in that wonderful prosecco filled fun. I've always loved earning money and splashing out on that little extra nice thing if it will make me feel better and great at the time; however now being in my final year at university I've had to come to terms with the fact that I won't have the time or the money to be roaming around and splashing the cash I just don't have. I could get a job and make the balance for the lavish lifestyle I love and pretend to be a part of, but its more important to me that I put my focus on getting that 2:1 which means no extra money for fun or as some say 'all work and no play'. God I can just hear how ridiculous this all sounds "it's just so hard trying to give up prosecco". That's an extreme example as I mainly mean I want to stop buying the odd trinket, t shirt or my curr...
Food and Lifestyle blog- Expect to find coeliac friendly recipes and a load of London activities and lifestyle tips. Follow me on Instagram: